Friday, March 16, 2012

Short Story Friday

IIIIIIIIIIIt's Friday!!!!!! Yayyy!!! The upside of EVERYONES week :)
Short Story day. Well, I am actually extremely tired right now, and haven't really had time all week to do anything with blogging. So I don't really have a story, well, sort of. 
I do have this video/recording. Most likely if you are an MK reading this, (and definitely if you are a homeschooler) you have listened to Adventures in Odyssey. In fact you could be obsessed with AiO (it’s been known to occur). I am not a Star Wars nerd (excuse me, well versed adoring lover in the art of Star Wars legacies, whatever) of the AiO world, but I do listen to a pretty good amount. So yeah, cut to the quick, the video is a remake of the Adventures in Odyssey episode All’s Well with Boswell. Some of our MK friends remade it with us, crazy fun. The typing took forever; thank God for Haillie I would have never been able to do all that. The editing took a really long time as well; ha we even did our own sound effects. We went out into the abandoned foundation behind the Broberg’s house and I stupidly held the recorder in my hand on the floor while Haillie dropped a glass bottle from 5 feet above to make that wonderful crashing sound, only centimeters away from my hand (no hands of Madi were harmed in the making of this clip.)
So we made this video, what, almost 2 years ago? Feels like only yesterday….metaphorically speaking. So the recorder I had then was absolutely atrocious, and my editing was horrible as well. Trust me we could do much better now, and hopefully we will. Seeing as we loved doing this (and made several others I have yet to edit)  Oh and I have all new sound equipment, and an entire collection of Loony Toons sound effects just DYING to be used.

OH while on the subject of AiO and things done by friends, the same friends (Noah and Haillie Broberg) have started an Adventures and Odyssey podcast! So all you hardcore AiO lovers feel free to check it out!

Well just listen to the clip now, I’ve got to go. I just had way to much goodness at Pizza Night last night and I swear if I don’t get some sleep I am going to BURST, hello run tomorrow morning, how I haveN’T missed you.

P.S. I will post Pizza Night pictures tomorrow.

P.P.S  I promise I will, on my honor as a procrastinator (what an oxymoron) 

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