Friday, February 17, 2012


Gimli has made it to the airport. See,see Gimli, peaking out of my bag. Yeah he came with me. It was either him or Gollum, but I figured Gollum would try and steal my ring sooo...

I woke up this morning at 4:30, and was hit with this jarring feeling that all my securities were being ripped away. This was probably because I was getting on a plane at 7:30. I've been on hundreds of planes. And I've flown on my own before, but I'd never had to make a connecting flight. Which is sort of nerve wracking. I think that I felt all my securities leaving me, because today marks 10 days till I go back to Russia. Back to not knowing where exactly we are going to stay, back to the headaches of expired passports and an uncooperative government. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. Life in the states is so much more stable, predictable, relaxing even. I suppose that's the first sign of needing to move on, 'if we discover a desire with in us that nothing of this world can satisfy,
We should begin to wonder if perhaps we were created for another world.' - C.S. Lewis.
This quote makes me think of a lot of things, and one of them is this,
I am taking it as a challenge; we weren't created for this world, so I am not going to sit back in its cozy arms of satisfaction.  It is time to step out of my comfort zone, say goodbye to the easy life.  Time to chase after The One we were created for. Time to share His love half way across the globe again.
It's nice to be going with my family back to Russia; home is where the heart is, eh? Security of another kind :)


  1. I love love love you and your great perspective!!!

    1. Aw, Thanks Jessi! I am really glad you enjoy my perspective, sometimes it feels really awkward sharing it. Because I feel like it may only make sense to me, the typical silly teenagerness. haha

  2. Man, do I miss you... Hope you are having a fun SECURE time! Come home promptly...


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